On March 6, over 100 Affiliate Members attended the Conservation District's annual banquet at Holly Oak Farms. Commissioners Fred Gantt, Bates Houck, Ronnie Bozard, Mike Shirer, and Kent Wannamaker want to thank-you Members for your support - we could not do it without you all! Jonathan Williams cooked a crazy good dinner and the Ukuloonies entertained with a medley of sing along songs. Brad Stowe, Belleville Farm, was awarded Conservationist of the Year and Mrs. Tamika Fordham, St. Matthews K8, was awarded Teacher of the Year- both well deserved awards. Thanks to our many local businesses who supplied a plethora of door prizes and to Hi Cotton Wholesale Greenhouses for the room brightening pink geraniums. Special thanks to our wonderful host, Marty Millender, for donating the beautiful venue. See you next year!
Banquet night = food, friends, and tunes